Whenever I’m asked by new copywriters how I get clients, my answer is always the same: build networks and give value.
In this year’s ProCopywriters survey, 88% surveyed said they get most of their work via word of mouth. EIGHTY-EIGHTY PERCENT 👀
Being recommended like that means doing consistently great work, yes. But it also means being good to work with, showing up and building relationships – on and offline – so people get to know what you’re about.
This isn’t about traditional warm-wine-name-badge-full-cringe “networking”.
It’s not about American Psycho-style business card flashing either (mine are pretty nice though, please ask to see them if you ever see me in person – I had them made in February 2020 so they need some love).
It’s about getting on with people. Connecting in a genuine way. That’s pretty much it.
As freelancers we generally have the best client experiences when we share values with the people we’re working with.
And if you show up as yourself, grow relationships, be supportive and generally decent, share what you’re working on, what you enjoy, what you’re good at? You’ll find more of the people that align with your vibe – and you’ll get more of that kind of work.
What do you reckon? Am I over-simplifying? Or is this about right?